Tuesday, May 6, 2014

US Soil... At Least for an Hour!!!

Today we had an appointment with the US Consolate to process Li's citizenship and apply for his visa to enter the US. To Michelle and Eve- you guys did not prepare me for the sheer terror of entering the building! There was a mob of people (Chinese) trying to push their way in. Luckily our guide was able to get the attention of the guards and we got to go directly in the gates (membership has its rewards:)). 

Once inside, the appointment was fairly anticlimactic. They took Chris' fingerprints and we had a simple swearing in ceremony. 

Li wore his first tie for about 5 seconds! 

Now we just wait for the visa to be printed, which takes about 24 hours. 

So here's where the fun begins: on Wednesday morning Chris begins to fly home from Guangzhou (luckily) with layovers in Beijing and Dulles. 

Once we have the visa in hand, Kelly, the kids, and I have a car service that is driving us to Hong Kong (approximately 2 hours we are told). We spend the night at the Marriott by the airport where we will run the children down!! Then we are scheduled to leave Hong Kong around noon and have just 1 layover in Chicago (which Kelly and I now affectionately have dubbed salad land!!) 

In Chicago we say goodbye to Kelly. (Listen for the sigh of relief from Kelly- she's not used to non stop kid noise). Then the kids and I fly home to Nashville. Luckily, if all goes as scheduled Chris will be home and able to pick us up at the airport. And we are already dreading Li's first ride in the baby mobile torture device (aka, the 5 point harness). 

Because China censures internet usage, we have only been able to post to the blog via our 3G connection on Chris' cell phone. Once he leaves, I probably won't be able to post unless Hong Kong has different rules. So, don't worry if you haven't heard from us in awhile. I'll definitely check in from Chicago. 

Now.. What to do with 2 bored kids in a hotel on a rainy day while waiting for a visa to arrive...........

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