Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May Day, May Day... We're going down

Greetings from Guangzhou! This is the city where the US Consulate is located, and where Li will hopefully be sworn in as a US citizen. We flew in later in the evening during a torrential downpour of rain- so don't know much- but first impression made me think we are going to be much happier here. The city stretches on FOREVER, and every building is 50 plus stories high. And there are lights on every building- makes Times Square look boring. There's crazy traffic. But it's also very trendy and happening. We felt very underdressed when we walked into the hotel lobby. And it's humid...ahhhhh. 

The hardest part about Harbin was that we got dirty looks from everyone- they were very suspicious if us. From what I'm told, it shouldn't be as bad here. 

The flight here was around 4 hours.... And Li made every minute of it interesting!! Waiting for the flight, Li discovered the moving walkway, so mama and he rode it over, and over, and over. There was another little boy doing the same and the two boys started playing together. At one point Li was jogging along and turned around to see the other boy when his feet got tangled and he went down HARD!! He actually hit his head and was bleeding a little- and his knee has track marks from the walkway:( Luckily Dad fixed him up and a few moments later he was up and running again. Luckily we have 4 days before his medical exam to heal. 

Then we got on the plane.... Let's just say that Li's intro to seat belts was traumatic at best. During takeoff he SCREAMED and fought with the seatbelt. Everyone on the plane turned around and stared.... Everyone. And of course he's screaming Mama.. No!! Mama... No!! This looks horrible. I was sure that the police would be waiting for me when we landed (they weren't). He sat on my lap the rest of the flight. (Luckily he's so small that the flight attendants thought he was a baby so they didn't give us a hard time about holding him). We tried to put his giraffe lovvie in the seatbelt to show him it's no big deal- and he FREAKED out again. So we are really looking forward to the car ride home when he meets his car seat. 

Ava is ok. She's a little down- we think the reality of sharing mom has set in- so I'm trying to give her some more direct attention. It's nice that we have 4 days of fun ahead- so hopefully we can turn her around a little.  

Li is starting to warm up to Chris, but we aren't fully there yet- so when Ava has my attention Li is a little upset (I took Ava to the bathroom in the plane and Li again screamed for Mama the entire time I was gone). Ava also has a bit of a cold/cough, and of course I did not pack mucinix. So, we are going to the travel clinic this morning to see what they can do. 

Li is sleeping better and better each day. We finally figured out to just put him in bed between us.

Oh!! And cudos to the Westin Hotel!!! They noted our need for gluten free foods and at check in took pics of Ava and I so that the staff will recognize us and be prepared when we go into a restaurant to eat!! How cool is that?!?!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We met Li this morning!! I will have pics to share, but they are all currently on Kelly's camera. 

The agency did prepare Li a little for our arrival, but he understandably still had a rough time. When he first walked into the room, he was smitten with Ava and completely ignored everyone else. He liked me feeding him yummy snacks, but SCREAMED anytime we tried to touch him. Poor buddy.

He reluctantly got into the van with us, and it turns out that he loves buses. So, after a few blocks his mood changed dramatically. By the time we got back to the hotel, he was happy to follow Ava anywhere. 

Thirty minutes into our play time, he was laughing and super excited about all his new stuff. 

By the end of the days he would let me told, bath him etc. he loves the bath! He did a great job of telling me when he had to go potty!! And he is already using some English!! He calls me mama. He can say baby, yeah and wow!! 

Overall he seems to be healthy, but really small...he is swimming in his 2T clothing- definitely needs 18 months for now. 

Chris and I have been up all night with flood warning and school closing phone calls back in Brentwood.. Hopefully we get a chance to take a nap!! 

Half way there!!!

Yesterday we finalized Li's adoption on the China side!! The most interesting part of the paperwork process was that after signing a document, Chris and I had to put our fingerprint over the signature with this red ink that is tough to get off. We also got Li's Chinese passport!! 

Later in the afternoon our guide took us to see Li's "finding spot". It was labeled as a college dormitory, but Chris and I thought otherwise.  This is the building complete with R2D2 like mushroom themed playground:

Li continues to fit in very well with the Dinkel clan! Today he said shoe and tree. We went on a quick walk by the river and all Li wanted to do was run in the grass and touch the trees... Just wait till he gets to Tennessee!! Our walk was cut shirt because Ava, the celebrity, was tired of taking photos with strangers. Can't say I blame her there! 

So what do you do in a hotel room with two bored kids?? TP the room of course!!  They had a blast right up to the point that Ava was accidentally bonked in the nose. She was pretty mad about that and immediately demanded that we take him back:) we worked through it and she likes him again... But it was tough because she was expecting an apology and I don't think Li had any clue what was happening. 

Today we fly to Guangzhou, which is where the US consulate is located. The Chinese Labor Day holiday is starting, so we are doing lots of tourist stuff once we arrive. 

Ava and I are really getting sick of the lack of food options- but luckily the Westin has already told me that they special ordered some gluten free products for us. 

Li, on the other hand, has been eating nonstop. He loves veggies (especially tomatoes!! Isn't that great Doris!!!) One funny tidbit- every time we sit at the table to eat- Li insists on kicking off his shoes:) guess he wants to be comfy! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

You can take the girl out of the country....

..... But you can't take her out of the Starbucks! Kelly and I went on a walk about and were thrilled to find a Starbucks!!! It was like winning the lottery! 

Chris was equally excited to learn that you can buy beer at the convenience store in the airport!! 

We took a quick flight to Harbin last night  . Beth got VERY airsick and will never live down the embarrassment.  

Now in Harbin, we are in a completely different world- but the view from our room is cool!! 

We leave to meet Li in a few minutes!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! More later. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Beijing is the new Denver

Greetings from Beijing!! 

Ava did great on the 13 hour flight. Movies, food and 6 hours of sleep helped pass the time. 

So far we like Beijing. We are blown away by their awesome customer service... Everywhere!! Beijing is eerily similar to denver. The airport is in the middle of nowhere, it's mostly flat and brown, majestic mountains on the background, and cotton from the cotton trees are flying all around. 

There are plenty of people speaking English here and we had gluten free noodles for breakfast. Oh... And our hotel is adjacent to the Olympic village so check that off the bucket list. 

A few sights:

More later...

Friday, April 25, 2014

The airplane burst my Brentwood bubble

We made it to Chicago and are savoring the US lifestyle while we have it. Our 13 hour flight to Beijing boards in a few minutes, so we will log off here and hopefully will be back in touch on the other side!! 

Requisite selfie...

Look Matt... Gate F 12!!! (It's a long story). 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Good Luck in Chinese....

And a glimpse of what having a 3 year old in the house will be like. Thank you to the Byers for the cute video!!

We are almost ready!!!

Hopefully we leave tomorrow!! 

Just like Noah's ark, We've got two of everything... 

Two suitcases full of gluten free food....

Henry (our cat) is at the Farm....

And Li's room is ready to go!! 

More tomorrow!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ava's Easter Art

I am testing the mobile blogger app and needed something to write about. I thought Ava's Easter art would do. Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meet Li

Meet Li!!

A few demographics:

We have named him Li James. His birthday is January 15. He just turned 3. 
He's small for his size- but really cute!! Here is a picture of him on his birthday:

He was found in a dormitory at 9 months. 
Since, he has lived in the same orphanage with a foster mom in Harbin, China. 

 He was born with extra thumbs. One day, he will make an awesome baseball player!! 

We decided to share the news of our adoption with our immediate family on Christmas morning. Here's a video of Ava opening her gift: